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  1. #21
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    Sep 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by darksorrow
    Now a days i can see bidvertiser has advertisers. And giving good amount of ads. Before i saw the message "Your ad here". Now they got popularity and also advertisers want to advertise with them.
    Hi i think it is blue advertise not bidevertise and blue vertise contains lots of trojan i trie donce in my site and its minimum requirement is Minimum is 150 unique visitors per day and 350 pageviews per day.

  2. #22
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    Dec 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by satyakam
    Quote Originally Posted by darksorrow
    Now a days i can see bidvertiser has advertisers. And giving good amount of ads. Before i saw the message "Your ad here". Now they got popularity and also advertisers want to advertise with them.
    Hi i think it is blue advertise not bidevertise and blue vertise contains lots of trojan i trie donce in my site and its minimum requirement is Minimum is 150 unique visitors per day and 350 pageviews per day.
    I thought blue advertise will only show the necessary ads in our pages, how comes they will let trojan attacks our site? Our antivirus suppose to able detect and blue advertise suppose to have some checks on the ads show before displaying.

  3. #23
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    Jan 2009
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    Well i just made a blng and got around 50hits in two days.I still have to wait till their programme to apply on my blng.Once i get more hits i can apply other ads too.

  4. #24
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    Apr 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowking
    Well i just made a blng and got around 50hits in two days.I still have to wait till their programme to apply on my blng.Once i get more hits i can apply other ads too.
    It can be wise if you don't use the ads on your blog. They are giving trojans on their ads. And those might affect visitors PC as well as drive away your visitors. So better not to use it.

  5. #25
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    Oct 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by darksorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowking
    Well i just made a blng and got around 50hits in two days.I still have to wait till their programme to apply on my blng.Once i get more hits i can apply other ads too.
    It can be wise if you don't use the ads on your blog. They are giving trojans on their ads. And those might affect visitors PC as well as drive away your visitors. So better not to use it.
    I am providing some advertisers name whose main work is to send Trojans Only.

    1-Blue Advertising.
    4-Claxon Media
    there are few more sites are available but sorry i forget their name but i am trying to get their site names, if i will get i sure publish here.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
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    Quote Originally Posted by debasis
    Quote Originally Posted by darksorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowking
    Well i just made a blng and got around 50hits in two days.I still have to wait till their programme to apply on my blng.Once i get more hits i can apply other ads too.
    It can be wise if you don't use the ads on your blog. They are giving trojans on their ads. And those might affect visitors PC as well as drive away your visitors. So better not to use it.
    I am providing some advertisers name whose main work is to send Trojans Only.

    1-Blue Advertising.
    4-Claxon Media
    there are few more sites are available but sorry i forget their name but i am trying to get their site names, if i will get i sure publish here.

    Thanks for sharing this link i will not place this site ads but i have seen firefox and antivirus add ons block this kind of Trojan site and don't open link....... that's why while surfing i always check link checker status is open.


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