I got involved in online marketing about 10 years ago. As I was getting into it, I was surprised to learn that people are making thousands of dollars online.
At that point I decided that I wanted a piece of it.

So, to start with, I got involved with Forex. After spending a while learning the ropes and hanging around forums, I figured out there were many people who wanted to learn. At that time, I had already learned quite a bit.

So I set about creating an ebook for intermediate traders.
To cut a long story short, I sold it through the forums and made some money as well as a lot of praise (coz the book was good).

Due to that success and confidence, I created another book and then I went on to create a whole course costing the buyer $1000. Made me lots of dough.

The moral of the story is, if you have any knowledge whatsoever, you can make money with it.
But you need a USP. What is your unique selling point that is different to everyone else?

If you don't want to go down the ebook creation route, you can easily sign up for an affiliate product and start posting ads at ad sites across the web. It’s simple, but it will produce results.
A longer term approach would be to create a blog and fill it with multiple posts. Make the posts on a particular theme and write something that is really informative and useful for readers.

Target the right keywords to make it popular with the search engines and this will start drawing some visitors to your blog every day. When traffic starts flowing in, register for an AdSense account.
If your site is populated with content, you will see Adsense ads on their soon. Then wait, and you'll see that your visitors are clicking on the ads.

Once your ads start generating clicks (money), your income meter will also start clicking. Now, your job will be to retain the popularity of your website and attracting more visitors every day. With time, you will gain better experience of the online marketing world and it will be easier for you to make money online with different methods.

Hope this helps,