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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Default Power of Press Releases

    I've been using Press Releases for promoting my products in the past but I do find it a little cumbersome (to do myself). For any online business, press releases are not just a mere tool for announcing the launch of a new product or service. It is now an important marketing tool for marketing a site or the products offered through the site. Though the concept of using press release has changed, the process of writing press releases has remained the same. i.e. in a newsworthy type of way.
    Submitting the same press release to different PR websites is common practice amongst online marketers. However, if you really want to harness the true power of press releases, you should make a small modification to each release.

    Write unique press releases for every site instead of submitting the same one to all the PR sites. Creating unique versions of press releases will help in retaining uniqueness of content, which is a something search engines like to see.
    Submitting unique contents to different PR sites will also help in drawing the same importance or weight to every press release. Thus, it will help in fetching more organic traffic every day from different search engines.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
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    For sure the Press Releases are really important when it comes to in preforming business uplifts and promoting you business over the web. If you want to avail such services of a company writing press release, visit Paper Venue today.

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