I see on almost all money making forums like this one, there are people who love discussing affiliate marketing. It's been going on for years. Still many people have not been able to identify the right track for working successfully.
I suppose the simplest method of marketing an affiliate product is to set up a blog and post to it every day with affiliate products listed in the text (as contextual links).
Keep it updated regularly and promote the products or services that are good (not junk).

You can jump ahead if the merchant (who you are promoting) has a range of online marketing tools you can use, such as banners, ads and even review articles for the publicity of a product. A wordpress blog makes the work of an affiliate marketer much easier because it's naturally set up to attract traffic regularly. The more traffic you have, the more revenue you will generate.

I would show you the blog I just started but I don't wanna break any rules here by posting my own blog link.

But anyhow, your site should be updated regularly and the work of brand building should be given secondary importance.

As a golden rule, to make money from affiliate marketing, recommend high quality products, which people would not complain about. If at all possible, buy and use the product before you start recommending it. You may spoil your reputation with a poor product.

Use the name of the product several times in your blog posts to pull in SEO traffic.
Also use a plugin such as SEO Pressor or Easy WP SEO to make sure your page stands the best chance of getting ranked.

I did it with my page and I'm currently ranked No.2 for my own keyword. I use Easy WP SEO (WP plugin)

Hope this helps,