Do you know how to make Money online. I google a lot to find it. I got so many resources, little bit Confused about that all. It’s really hectic.

last night just checking my tweets i got a Short URL website and I started using the short url service to shorten my links. Get a small URL and get paid.

Its really Nice. I like the idea of making money online with small URL service. All you need to do is, shorten your link and post it in Twitter or any other Social Networking site. You can earn an instant $0.20 bonus for each click u get. When any-one follows your shortened urls, you will earn cash! Amount of money increases as much u get traffic to your short URL..

• Get paid to create small urls on the internet!
• Upload images and get small urls for them!
• Add custom content such as banner exchanges to your destination pages!
• Get paid to promote and refer friends!
• Win weekly cash prizes!
• Own a website or blog? Monetize your website with!
• Have a phpBB,Vbulliten forum Monetize it!
• Have a wordpress blog? Monetize it!
• An API is available for custom integration into your websites!

Wish this will help you to earn money with small URL.