As mentioned in my first post on Webanswers, WA is not my main source of online income. Hubpages is by far the most lucrative site I earn on. It's a pretty simple site that allows you to quickly design 'Hubpages' that are content oriented, and can contain 'ads' from your Google Account as well as Ebay and Amazon affiliate accounts.

I have been a member for over a year, and I am beginning to see a decent income from the site, especially around the holidays - I made close to $3000 for the period October through December.

It does take a lot of work though and you do have to be a fairly decent writer. Hupages does a pretty good job of SEO, but it's always worth researching keywords and tags to give your Hubpage a better chance of being listed on google.

I find that finding the right niche is important - my Hubnpages on the World CUp Soccer were getting over 5,000 visits a day simply because of Hubpages.

If you want more information, want to know how it works etc, or want to join - let me know and I'll help out if I can!