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  1. #1
    tom is offline Master Member I was here more times.
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    Default Earn from constant content

    I haven't used this site personally yet, but I've come across writers who make good money here. One writer, Allison Whitehead, who has written about her experience at, says that she made $550 over the course of a few months. Another writer, Keesa, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per day for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article.
    It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently.

  2. #2
    hyxfei is offline Veteran Member I was here more times.
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    Default Re: Earn from constant content

    Quote Originally Posted by tom
    I haven't used this site personally yet, but I've come across writers who make good money here. One writer, Allison Whitehead, who has written about her experience at, says that she made $550 over the course of a few months. Another writer, Keesa, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per day for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article.
    It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently.
    well. sounds this earning need more professional knowledge and experience to earn from it.
    anyway i will have a look at it later.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Earn from constant content

    Quote Originally Posted by hyxfei
    Quote Originally Posted by tom
    I haven't used this site personally yet, but I've come across writers who make good money here. One writer, Allison Whitehead, who has written about her experience at, says that she made $550 over the course of a few months. Another writer, Keesa, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per day for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article.
    It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently.
    well. sounds this earning need more professional knowledge and experience to earn from it.
    anyway i will have a look at it later.
    I know this site but you need to be a qualified writer they are giving good pay rate but it should not b ecopy pasted not a single word ,i have one account but never tried.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Earn from constant content

    Quote Originally Posted by tom
    I haven't used this site personally yet, but I've come across writers who make good money here. One writer, Allison Whitehead, who has written about her experience at, says that she made $550 over the course of a few months. Another writer, Keesa, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per day for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article.
    It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently.
    Thanks tom to provides some good sites for writing articles, in fact i am currently looking for genuine articles site to work with. I myself have joining some of the site that i found on net, but many of them is a scam progam, and i have wasted much efforts writing articles for them. Hope this one is a good one.

  5. #5
    tom is offline Master Member I was here more times.
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    Default Re: Earn from constant content

    Quote Originally Posted by eddielkk
    Quote Originally Posted by tom
    I haven't used this site personally yet, but I've come across writers who make good money here. One writer, Allison Whitehead, who has written about her experience at, says that she made $550 over the course of a few months. Another writer, Keesa, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per day for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article.
    It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently.
    Thanks tom to provides some good sites for writing articles, in fact i am currently looking for genuine articles site to work with. I myself have joining some of the site that i found on net, but many of them is a scam progam, and i have wasted much efforts writing articles for them. Hope this one is a good one.
    Hi eddie if you are good at article writing then go for this site this site is very genuine and you can earn good amount.and if you get any good site pl inform me also.

  6. #6
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    i think it will be difficult to write for this site as it demands very high quality india if one is good writer he easily gets about rs.500 from local newspapers.this site also sells articles to magazines and newspapers.

  7. #7
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    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sushila
    i think it will be difficult to write for this site as it demands very high quality india if one is good writer he easily gets about rs.500 from local newspapers.this site also sells articles to magazines and newspapers.
    well it is true but you can't get any news paper organisation ,it is easy to tell like this but we need one good site to write.

  9. #9
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    paramita, is there any facility to refer some of your article in this site. I just want to see those articles as I have no experience on this article writing things. On which subjects you have written in the past?

  10. #10
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    ssarkar - Sorry dear - i can 't share any article here.. Bez - as a writer i am writing there - they approved it and they sell it.. so, othere buyers buy it for thier web site or any othere reason - (which I don't know) So, I can't share it for resell it.......

    If u cantact me mail i will send it - bt do not post it anywhere..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssarkar
    paramita, is there any facility to refer some of your article in this site. I just want to see those articles as I have no experience on this article writing things. On which subjects you have written in the past?
    well sarkar dont worry just register there then clients will ask you for writing some article on different topic if you can write original good article you will get good money.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    Well, I wonder if you earn very well from here, why are you working with many social networking sites which pays very very small say just $1 or $2 for a month.
    Anyway, as it seems it's only meant for professional writers, I can't even try it out.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemon_1800
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    Well, I wonder if you earn very well from here, why are you working with many social networking sites which pays very very small say just $1 or $2 for a month.
    Anyway, as it seems it's only meant for professional writers, I can't even try it out.
    Ya the site is for professional writers but if your articles will be selected by client you can get $10 to $20 per each article.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    on which subject do u write majority of your articles?i can write good articles about politics,religion and they accept articles on these subjects?and will u please tell me how much have u earned so far from this site on average per article?

  15. #15
    tom is offline Master Member I was here more times.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sushila
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    on which subject do u write majority of your articles?i can write good articles about politics,religion and they accept articles on these subjects?and will u please tell me how much have u earned so far from this site on average per article?
    I also dont know but according to Satyakam's point i think it mainly depends on customers requirement it may be anything.But like you said i also want such sites where they can give scope on special topics.

  16. #16
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    Well i have submitted 2 articles today in this site but dont know whether they will be accepted or not and the process is very complex as they are giving good price.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemon_1800
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    Well, I wonder if you earn very well from here, why are you working with many social networking sites which pays very very small say just $1 or $2 for a month.
    Anyway, as it seems it's only meant for professional writers, I can't even try it out.

    ya, I earn well from there last 2 years.. Its very good site and they r giving a very high rate too..

    Now come to ur question - Persently I am working only 2 social networking sites and this forum and othere 2 forum.. and some freelance work and my own site...

    Whenever i write for - i need my father, mom, sometime my teacher help also .... bez without their i can't write .. hehhehe - I got $45 - 4 days ago from my last articale.

    So, friends this is very honest site and giving u a very good rate.. try to write there...

  18. #18
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    well it is not an easy task to get approval from this site my two nice content been rejected but it is approved by Ac site ,it is really strange how Constant content rejecting those article.

  19. #19
    hyxfei is offline Veteran Member I was here more times.
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    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    Quote Originally Posted by lemon_1800
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    Well, I wonder if you earn very well from here, why are you working with many social networking sites which pays very very small say just $1 or $2 for a month.
    Anyway, as it seems it's only meant for professional writers, I can't even try it out.

    ya, I earn well from there last 2 years.. Its very good site and they r giving a very high rate too..

    Now come to ur question - Persently I am working only 2 social networking sites and this forum and othere 2 forum.. and some freelance work and my own site...

    Whenever i write for - i need my father, mom, sometime my teacher help also .... bez without their i can't write .. hehhehe - I got $45 - 4 days ago from my last articale.

    So, friends this is very honest site and giving u a very good rate.. try to write there...
    45$ from how many articles? and do they have words limits to every article? i have tried some site before they need at least 250 words per article..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyxfei
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    Quote Originally Posted by lemon_1800
    Quote Originally Posted by paramita0101
    This is a rocking site for me.. I am member of this site past 2 years and still active there.. I earn a lot from this site.. So, i love to work here - This site is gr8 for writers.
    Well, I wonder if you earn very well from here, why are you working with many social networking sites which pays very very small say just $1 or $2 for a month.
    Anyway, as it seems it's only meant for professional writers, I can't even try it out.

    ya, I earn well from there last 2 years.. Its very good site and they r giving a very high rate too..

    Now come to ur question - Persently I am working only 2 social networking sites and this forum and othere 2 forum.. and some freelance work and my own site...

    Whenever i write for - i need my father, mom, sometime my teacher help also .... bez without their i can't write .. hehhehe - I got $45 - 4 days ago from my last articale.

    So, friends this is very honest site and giving u a very good rate.. try to write there...
    45$ from how many articles? and do they have words limits to every article? i have tried some site before they need at least 250 words per article..
    No the site has not fixed criteria you have to write according to clients demand ,it may be 400 words or 100 words no fixed system.

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