solves your multi-site, multi-domain, multi-account managed hosting problems. Host all of your web development or design customers, with a customizable WHMCS billing solution, each with individual private control panels, and WHM for you to manage it all. All backed by our 24/7/365 monitoring and tech support so you can sleep well at night.

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Check All GlowHost Reseller Hosting Packages.

Level I Plan
cPanel Accounts - 25
Disk Space - 50GB
Monthly Transfer - 5TB
Dedicated IPs - 2 included
Additional IPs - $2/mo
WHMCS customer billing System - $15.95/mo - 250 Accts.
Price - $24.95/mo

Level II Plan
cPanel Accounts - 40
Disk Space - 80GB
Monthly Transfer - 8TB
Dedicated IPs - 2 included
Additional IPs - $2/mo
WHMCS customer billing System - $12.95/mo - 250 Accts.
Price - $39.95/mo

Level III Plan
cPanel Accounts - 65
Disk Space - 130GB
Monthly Transfer - 13TB
Dedicated IPs - 2 included
Additional IPs - $2/mo
WHMCS customer billing System - $9.95/mo - 250 Accts.
Price - $59.95/mo

Level IV Plan
cPanel Accounts - 100
Disk Space - 200GB
Monthly Transfer - 20TB
Dedicated IPs - 2 included
Additional IPs - $2/mo
WHMCS customer billing System - Included
Price - $89.95/mo

Level V Plan
cPanel Accounts - 150
Disk Space - 300GB
Monthly Transfer - 30TB
Dedicated IPs - 2 included
Additional IPs - $2/mo
WHMCS customer billing System - Included
Price - $129.95/mo

For more information about Glowhost reseller hosting, please Click Here!

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