Joining Sourcingmap affilate program about Two months,on this forum ,i'll share with us how to promote the affiliate related products, some methods as belowas sourcingmap example)


1.promoting SourcingMap's products and services through your own dedicated websites or ebooks using your content to which you hold the copyright;
2.promoting SourcingMap's products and services through your own existing websites on related themes such as toys, electronics, gadgets, wholesale and wholesalers, drop-shipping, auctions, gifts, China business, business-to-business, import / export and trade, product reviews, technology, and affiliate programs;
3.promoting SourcingMap's products and services through third party websites such as blogs, newsgroups, forums, online classified advertising sites, and article directories where your involvement is explicitly permitted and invited by the owners of the website, and where your comments or submissions are useful and relevant to that website and its user community;
4.promoting SourcingMap's products and services through emails to people who have explicitly agreed to receive messages from you on SourcingMap-related themes (see example themes above);
5.promoting SourcingMap's products and services through online advertising channels (such as pay-per-click, pay-per-impression, pay-per-(time period) banners, and text links) provided the context is appropriate (see below);
6.promoting SourcingMap's products and services in offline media such as print publications, provided the context is appropriate (see below);

You may NOT promote SourcingMap through the following methods:
7.promotion through any media representing yourself, your company, or the promotional medium as officially representing or being part of SourcingMap Wholesale Ltd., including but not limited to using the name "SourcingMap" in your company name, domain name, or subdomain address, and further including any very similar names that suggest association with SourcingMap or lead to confusion with the name SourcingMap;
8.promotion using false or misleading statements, claims, statistics, prices, or pictures about SourcingMap products and services, including about the SourcingMap Affiliates Program;
unsolicited emailing (spam);
automated (spam-like) posting on other people's websites including blogs and forums;
submission to search engines, web directories, social bookmarking sites, or similar using your affiliate link as the URL;
9.promotion through any media that condones or encourages illegal activities;
10.promotion through any media associated with spamming, viruses, spyware, or adware;
11.promotion through any adult-oriented (sexually explicit) media;
12.promotion through any media that contains or promotes racism, violence, hate, or intolerant discrimination;
13.promotion through any media that includes excessive foul language;
14.promotion through any media that is associated with pyramid schemes or similar;

POST EDITED by Nick : Referral Link was posted